UPSC Civil Services Prelims Exam will be held on 4th October 2020, after the Supreme Court declined the reque…
Supreme Court of India will hear plea for Postponement of Civil Services Exam, that scheduled to be held on …
After special meeting on June 05, 2020 UPSC released a notice regarding conducting of various UPSC Exams, Int…
SSC announced fresh tentative exam dates for all CHSL, Stenographer, JE, JHT, CPO, CGL Tier 2 Examinations 20…
After special meeting on May 20, 2020 UPSC released a notice regarding conducting of various UPSC Exams, Inte…
UPSC released notice regardig Civil Services and other examination on its official website. UP…
UPSC Civil Services Prelism Exam 2020 date to be announced tomorrow Union Public Service Commission will anno…
UPSC Civil Services Prelims Examination 2020 has been deferred due to coronavirus COVID-19, fresh dates for t…
UPSC Civil Services Application for Free Civil Services Coaching starts at central university Jamia Millia Is…
यूपीएससी सिविल सेवा परीक्षा मुख्य साक्षात्कार परीक्षा 2019, एसएससी परीक्षा और प्रारंभिक परीक्षा 2020 स्थगित …