Vision IAS releases current affairs of March 2021 pdf download. Candidates can download this month's magazine pdf directly through the link provided in this article.
Vision IAS Current Affairs Magazine of March 2021 pdf download

Vision IAS Current Affairs magazine is a handy magazine for Union Public Service Commission Civil Services Prelims and Mains Examination 2021. This magazine covers all important contemporary issues of the month.
Aspirants preparing for the Civil Services Examination must read at least one current affairs magazine. And Please stick to one magazine only, don't read every magazine released monthly.
This month Vision IAS Current Affairs magazine cover topics like Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Act (GNCTD) 2021, India-Republic of Korea (South Korea) Bilateral Relations, National Bank for Financing Infrastructure And Development (NaBFID), Unlawful Activities [Prevention] Act, National River Linking Project (NRLP), SEEA Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA), Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Nidhi (PMSSN), Hunger and Malnourishment, Artificial Intelligence, etc.
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Download Vision IAS March 2021 Current Affairs English
You can also download the Vision IAS Budget 2021-22 magazine for economics parts for CSE 2021 exam.