Vision IAS Current Affairs July 2020 for UPSC CSE and state PCS Exams, Download pdf now.

Vision IAS Current Affairs July 2020 pdf will be very helpful for UPSC Aspirants preparing for UPSC Civil Service Exam 2020 (Prelims) and mains exam. We're very thankful to for these very important current affair magazine.
In this current affairs magazine you'll understand topic -
- Polity and Constitution- India’s Second Voluntary National Review, The Consumer Protection Act,2019, Issue of Local Reservation in Private Sector Jobs.
- International Relations- India-E.U. Relations, Chabahar - Zahedan Railway Line, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
- Indian Economy: Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) 2020, Private Participation in Railways, Financing of MSME Sector, Bundling Scheme for Round-the-clock (RTC) Power Supply.