Proposed Time Line Activity for Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination-2020 to be held on 19.01.2020

Activity Description | Time Paper-I | Time Paper-II |
Candidates reporting at the Centre venue | 8.00 A.M. | 12.30 P.M. |
Authenticating the Admit Card and Registering the candidate | 8.00 A.M. Onwards | 12.30 P.M. Onward |
Candidates will be allowed inside the Lab | 8.00 A.M. Onwards | 12.30 P.M. Onwards |
Candidates entry will close at main entrance | 8.45 A.M. Onwards | 01.15 P.M. Onwards |
Password Announcement | 09.20 A.M. | 01.50 P.M. |
Candidates will open the secure browser & read instructions | 09.20 A.M. – 09.30 A.M. | 01.50 P.M.- 2.00 P.M. |
Test Start Time | 09.30 A.M. | 02.00 P.M. |
Test End Time | 11.30 A.M. | 04.00 P.M. |
Date and Day | Time | Subject |
19th January, 2020 Sunday | 09.30 A.M. to 11.30 A.M. | Paper-I (Code No.1) General Studies [Common for all Streams] |
Paper-II [Code No.2] | ||
Stream specific subject Paper | ||
02.00 P.M. to 04.00 P.M. | Stream Subject I. Geologist and Geologist/ Hydrogeologist Hydrogeology | |
II. Geophysicist Geophysics | ||
III. Chemist Chemistry |