UPSC Mains Exams start from today. All the best for all participants

UPSC Mains Exams start from today: This year's Civil Service Main Exam being held from 20 to 29 September by Union Public Service Commission. First of all iascgl wishes all the best for participants candidates who qualified prelims exam and appearing for mains.
- During this time, the candidates are suggested to revise their notes, and not to read any new topic.
- Keep in mind that writing speed is good, so that you can finish your paper on time.
- Candidates should have study plan to cover the entire syllabus. Without a proper strategy and systematic approach, candidates may not be able to crack the exam. Poor management of time is another reason for failure in CSE.
- Read all the questions first and do the difficult questions first. Do not make the mistake of solving half the questions by reading. Read the whole question carefully.
- Do not take stress. Do not take stress a day before the exam or on the day of the exam.