UPSC has declared result of National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I), 2019

SSC CGL 2018 Update: Staff Selection Commission has released an important notice regarding Combined Graduate Level Exam 2018. As per notice released by the Commission, CGL 2018 Exam result will declared Tentatively on 20.08.2019.
The Staff Selection Commission has conducted the Combined Graduate Level Examination (Tier-I), 2018 from 04.06.2019 to 13.06.2019 (for 7 days). The salient features of the examination are given in the table below:-
SI No | Item | Remarks |
1 | Total number of registered candidates | 25.97 lakh |
2 | Number of Candidates appeared in the Examination | 8.37 lakh |
3 | Overall Percentage of attendance | 32.23% |
4 | Number of shifts | 21 |
5 | Number of examination venues | 362 |
6 | Number of cities in which examination conducted | 131 |
7 | Number of States/UT's in which examination was conducted | 33 |
8 | Tentative date for declaration of result | 20.08.2019 |
CGLE (Tier-II) 2018 would be conducted as per the schedule given in the Calendar of Examinations i.e. from 11.09.2019 to 13.09.2019.