UPSC has released an important notice for Civil Service Prelims Exam 2019 regarding admit card for the examination.

UPSC CSE Prelims Notice 2019: Union Public Service Commission has released important notice for Civil Service Prelims Exam 2019. UPSC CSE(P) 2019 is scheduled to be held on June 2nd, 2019.
As per notice released by UPSC, commission asked candidates to download their admit card at the official website of the commission to avoid last minute rush.
Instructions for candidates
The candidates will have to produce the printout of their e-Admit Card at the allotted Venue for appearing at the Examination. The candidates are also required to carry along the(original)Photo ID Card, whose number is mentioned in the e-Admit Card, for appearing at each Session of the Examination. The candidates, whose photograph is not clear/visible in the e-Admit Card or his/her signature appears in place of the photograph, are required to carry with them two photographs (one for each session).
Please note that entry into the Examination Venue shall be closed 10 minutes before the scheduled commencement of the Examination i.e. 09:20 A.M. for the Forenoon Session (commencing at 09:30 A.M.) and 02:20 P.M. for the Afternoon Session (commencing at 02:30 P.M.). No candidate shall be allowed the entry into the Examination Venue after closure of the entry.
Candidates are not allow to bring any electronic device with themeself.
Click here for UPSC CSE Prelims Notice 2019