Read The Hindu Notes of 20th May 2019 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

- Taking stock of Islamic State 2.0
- Not in the Mahatma’s name
- Ten years on
- Count on democracy
- The task of restoring democracy
- Platforms of our own
Taking stock of Islamic State 2.0
The belief in India and Sri Lanka that they are shielded from radical extremist tendencies needs a relook
Key setting for radicalism
Pivotal role of the Net
Lessons for India
Not in the Mahatma’s name

The BJP’s messaging on Pragya Singh Thakur’s utterances and candidature is extremely sinister
Attack on secular politics
From Gandhi’s perspective
Ten years on
Sri Lanka has not done enough to usher in reform and reconciliation since 2009
Count on democracy
With polling concluded, India needs to heal itself from the bitter, fact-free campaign
The task of restoring democracy
Civil society has a big role to play in restoring institutions that form the bulwark of democracy
The dark clouds of fascism
Challenges for the new regime