Read The Hindu Notes of 17th May 2019 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

- Why an industrial policy is crucial
- Is the future of Indian democracy secure?
- West Bengal tango
- Slippery slope
- Is coalition government worse than single-party rule?
- The polluted water bodies of Kanniyakumari
- Encourage citizen science
Why an industrial policy is crucial
No major country has managed to reduce poverty or sustain economic growth without a robust manufacturing sector

Core to growth
Key reasons for a policy
The Asian story
Lessons from IT taking root
Is the future of Indian democracy secure?
Procedural democracy may endure but the liberal spirit is in danger of extinction
Three concerns
Favoured strategy
West Bengal tango
The Election Commission has junked even the pretence of neutrality
Slippery slope
India must not be a mute spectator as tensions rise in the Gulf
Is coalition government worse than single-party rule?
On the successes and failures of the various kinds of coalition governments at the Centre
In the “surplus coalition” government, the BJP has had minimal ideological differences/ principle differences with its coalition partners unlike, say, in the UPA which was supported by the Left Front from outside in 2004. Does this kind of distinction matter in the success of a coalition?