Read The Hindu Notes of 16th May 2019 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

Topic Discussed: The Hindu Notes of 16th May 2019
- Why the Muslim vote matters in U.P.
- All out at sea
- Morphed freedoms
- Chasing stability
- The need for judicial restraint
- The rise of the BJP in West Bengal
- Rhetoric over real issues
Why the Muslim vote matters in U.P.
Marginalised and fearful, Muslim voters want to demonstrate that they still count in India’s democracy
Tactical voting
Fearfulness as cohesion
Weapon of the marginalised
All out at sea
India’s engagements in the Indian Ocean reveal a tactically proactive but strategically defensive mindset
Partnerships are key
African focus
Morphed freedoms
By seeking an apology while granting bail, the Supreme Court downplayed the misuse of law
Chasing stability
Climate change and energy policies are top of the agenda in Australia’s elections
The need for judicial restraint
Lawmaking is not the job of the judges, but of the legislature
Types of jurisprudence
In rare circumstances
The rise of the BJP in West Bengal
How it slowly gained strength to become the Trinamool’s main opponent
No organisation, a lot of strength
Making inroads into the State
A belated realisation