APPSC has released answer key for Group 1 Exam, Objections will be received up to 05.00 p.m. on June 10, 2019.
APPSC Group 1 Answer Key: Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission or APPSC, Vijayawada has released the Group 1 services answer key on Tuesday. The APPSC screening test for Paper 1 (General Studies - consists of 4 parts i.e., A. History and Culture. B. Constitution polity, Social Justice and International relations. C. Indian and Andhra Pradesh Economy and Planning D. Geography) and Paper 2 (General Aptitude consists 2 parts i.e., A. General Mental Ability, Administrative and Psychological Abilities. B. (i) Science and Technology. (ii) Current events of Regional, National and International importance) for the posts falling under Group - I Services held on May 26, 2019. APPSC answer key has been released on
According to a statement from the Commission, the question paper along with keys for the examination has been released on website on May 28.
Objections will be received up to 05.00 p.m. on June 10, 2019.
Click here for APPSC Group 1 Answer Key