Read The Hindu Notes of 8th April 2019 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

Topic Discussed: The Hindu Notes of 8th April 2019
- The governance dashboard
- When a new era dawns, what’s in a name?
- The heat is on
- If Gandhi were alive today
- Cleaning up the mess
The governance dashboard
The current regime has failed to deliver on its promises of development and clean government
Backdrop of scarce data
Key parameters
Impact of signature policies
When a new era dawns, what’s in a name?
As Japan’s Emperor Akihito prepares to abdicate, the country gears up for the Reiwa era
The Heisei era
Logistical challenges
The heat is on
Local administrations must draw up plans to address heat stress and possible water scarcity
Capital high
To retain the confidence of foreign investors, macroeconomic management is key
If Gandhi were alive today
Considering his view of politics, he would have privileged civic virtue in elections
The need for moral leaders
Democracy and mobocracy
When power politics took over