Read The Hindu Notes of 6th April 2019 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

Topic Discussed: The Hindu Notes of 6th April 2019
- A challenging text
- Privacy in the age of sunshine laws
- Probing the probe
- Country before party
- Encroachers on their own lands
A challenging text
By reworking the Indian dream, the Congress manifesto has opened up the space of politics
Privacy in the age of sunshine laws
The final judgment on the judiciary’s right to privacy could have a bearing on other categories of people
Probing the probe
HC remarks on Jayalalithaa death probe panel are a needed caution against a roving inquiry
Country before party
The British Prime Minister’s cross-party talks may avert a chaotic Brexit
Encroachers on their own lands
In Chhattisgarh, the Forest Rights Act potentially allows 7.4 million tribal and other traditional forest dwellers to claim land rights. However, half these claims have been rejected and the land siphoned off, often arbitrarily. Jacob Koshy reports on the difficulties in implementing the Act and the plight of the Adivasis
