Read The Hindu Notes of 15th April 2019 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

- Beyond the free trade idealism
- Political careerism is fine but sad
- Just recompense
- Comedian’s triumph
- The days after in Sri Lanka
- Taking advantage of BRI
- Revisiting the Emergency
Beyond the free trade idealism
An ambitious ‘Employment and Incomes Policy’ must be the top priority for the next government
On free trade
Job growth
The next step
Political careerism is fine but sad
Why a party spokesperson’s defection to another group is especially unsettling
The surprise factor
Commitment issues
Just recompense
Compensation for Bilkis Bano underlines the state’s obligation for horrific crimes
Comedian’s triumph
Ukraine’s new President must quickly take on the geopolitical and governance challenges
The days after in Sri Lanka
It is important to focus on popular solidarities and commonalities, instead of yielding to insecurity

The IS hand
The post-war fallout
Taking advantage of BRI
The China-led initiative’s global reach signals the advent of a new order led by Asia, which cannot exclude India
Meeting infrastructure needs