Read The Hindu Notes of 13th April 2019 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

- Message from the martyrs of Jallianwala Bagh
- A grim future in Israel
- Seeing darkness
- Not half-done
- In Pakistan, the problem of forced conversions
Message from the martyrs of Jallianwala Bagh
They beckon all of us to give human freedom respect, human beings dignity, and human rights recognition
‘Faith or the life in death’
On April 13, 1919
Enduring arrogance
A grim future in Israel
India needs to go beyond token homage to the cause of Palestinian freedom
Sources of support
Strong campaign
The view from India
Seeing darkness
The first image of a black hole is a reassurance of science and reason
Not half-done
Voter turnout remains high, but the ECI must be quicker in acting on code violations
In Pakistan, the problem of forced conversions
The recent conversion of two young girls from Hinduism to Islam in Sindh has once again compelled the country to explore the possibilities of enacting a law to prevent forced conversions. But it is an uphill task, reports Mehmal Sarfraz

After a fruitless search for his sisters, Shaman, his father, and others from the community finally decided to go to the neighbourhood police station to lodge a complaint. The Station House Officer (SHO) there assured them on March 20 that the culprits would be caught. But when this did not look likely, the community staged a protest, forcing the SHO to file an FIR the next day against six men, three of them unknown, for abduction of the sisters.
The issue of conversion
The role of madrassas
Preventing child marriage
Pending legislation