Read The Hindu Notes of 28th March 2019 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

Topic Discussed: The Hindu Notes of 28th March 2019
- The tragic heroes of the anti-IS war
- A blow against Article 370
- Slow on sanitation
- Saving Jet
- What we need is a commons manifesto
- A deal at last?
- Temple and state
The tragic heroes of the anti-IS war
Despite their historical role in destroying the IS Caliphate, the Kurds face risks of further aggression than recognition
Ongoing story
The Syrian angle
Tip of the spear
A blow against Article 370
Presidential orders and the circumstances in which they were made have eroded J&K’s special status.
Background and status quo
A slow death
Against federalism
Slow on sanitation
Policymakers have failed to use technological advances made in treating faecal sludge
Saving Jet
With the airline landing in the laps of banks, the challenge now is to quickly find a buyer
What we need is a commons manifesto
How India handles land use change will decide whether it can improve lives without warming the world
A myopic preoccupation
Grassroots campaigns
A deal at last?
It will not be easy to find a please-all deal on the Naga conflict
Spread across States
Complex politics