Read The Hindu Notes of 26th March 2019 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

Topic Discussed: The Hindu Notes of 26th March 2019
- The point of having democracy
- Paradigm shift for TB control
- Out of the frying pan
- Delaying bad news
- Learning love from New Zealand
- Encouraging secret donations
- Balancing work
The point of having democracy
Public policy must launch an assault on capability deprivation and rising unemployment
Nationalism, secularism
Political responses
Just society by just means
Paradigm shift for TB control
Ending TB by 2025 is impossible but sustaining its decline is in the realm of reality
Short on control
Tamil Nadu pilot model
Health etiquette
Out of the frying pan
But it’s too early for the U.S. President to put the Mueller investigation behind him
Delaying bad news
Banks that do not recognise their problems will likely not resolve them
Learning love from New Zealand
Hate has curdled the capacity for compassion in India. Will Indians take a leaf out of New Zealand’s book?
Display of solidarity
Lack of empathy
Encouraging secret donations
The electoral bonds scheme needs to recognise the complementary nature of the rights to privacy and information
Dismantling previous restrictions
Two rights, many wrongs