Read The Hindu Notes of 5th February 2019 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

- A national register of exclusion
- An appeasement Budget
- The peace holds
- Visa crackdown
- America has lost the Afghan war
- Wrong on the Rohingya
- ‘Why must we tell you?’
- The danger of cash transfers
A national register of exclusion
There are few parallels anywhere else of the state itself producing statelessness in the manner that it is doing in Assam
Distressing cycle
Tougher on women
Opaque processes
An appeasement Budget
The Interim Budget makes clear the class hierarchy in the Modi government’s scheme of populism
Some social security
For the farmer
The downside
Compromising economics
The peace holds
A harsher penalty in the 2008 Assam serial blasts case could have led to wider trouble
Visa crackdown
Students should be made aware of the risks of falling afoul of U.S. immigration laws
America has lost the Afghan war
Once U.S. troops leave, the Taliban is sure to challenge Kabul one way or the other
Repeating mistakes of the past
An unsustainable war
The role of the Taliban
Wrong on the Rohingya
Deportation of refugees is legally and morally problematic
Global framework
Domestic obligations