Read The Hindu Notes of 26th February 2019 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

- Coalition of the concerned
- The correct prescription
- Before eviction
- Pre-poll gambit
- The case of Shamima Begum
- Re-imagining Delhi
- When India-Pakistan animosity was pushed to the back burner
- More mixed events, please
Coalition of the concerned
Multi-pronged diplomacy is vital to compel Pakistan to end its support for terrorist groups
Beyond isolation
The American angle
Steady dialogue
The correct prescription
Entry of e-pharmacies will bring down the price of medicine for Indian patients
A case of cartelisation
Another barrier
Before eviction
States must quickly determine if procedural lapses deprived forest-dwellers of their rights
Pre-poll gambit
Reduction in rates brings cheer to real estate sector, but unsettles the GST regime
The case of Shamima Begum
If the U.K. goes with the exclusionary instinct of an angry public, it will be dangerous for democracy

The question of citizenship
Migration to Britain
Re-imagining Delhi
The governance structure is in need of a drastic remake
Too many cooks
Use of technology
Conservancy services deserve a senior-level exclusive administration. Waste management demands professionalism and technology. The use of biotechnology should help in the treatment and disposal of waste; information technology in city planning and service delivery options; energy saving and cleaner technologies in urban transport; and high-tech, low-cost materials in building and housing. Technology can be used to implement user-based charges for access to roads, electricity and water. Economies of scale can be achieved by sharing service areas such as billing and tariff collections, cable laying and maintenance.