HPSC released exam date for HCS Exam 2019, Admit Card for HCS will publish soon.

HPSC HCS Exam 2019: Haryana Public Service Commission has released Exam date for Haryana Civil Service Exam 2019. Candidates who applied for HCS (Ex. Br.) & other Allied Services - 2017 against Advt. No. 3 followed by Corrigendum dated 05.02.2019 published that, the HCS (Ex. Br.) & other Allied Services - 2017 Preliminary Examination has been scheduled to be held on 31.03.2019 (Sunday)
Candidates should note that HPSC will conduct HCS Exam on 31st march 2019.
Click here for HPSC HCS Exam 2019
HPSC HCS Case Status.
Haryana HCS case is pending at Punjab & Haryana High Court Chandigarh, as per latest updates next hearing is on 6th may 2019.
Matter of the case is that, HPSC HCS Preliminary Examination shall comprise of two papers GS and CSAT. Case is on CSAT paper. In official HCS Exam advertisement published by HPSC, CSAT paper is competitive in nature. Actual case is on that, CSAT paper should be competitive or qualifying in nature ? If you're preparing for HPSC HCS Exam. Take CSAT as competitive in nature until final order of the court.
If you are not able to download syllabus from HPSC website, you can check it here.
Click here for HPSC HCS Case Status.