UPSC has declared final result of CDS(I) Exam 2018. Candodate can check their result at official website of the commission.

Union Public Service Commission(UPSC) has declared the final result for Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2018. Candidates who have appeared in the examination can check their results at official website of the commission or a direct link given in this article too.
The UPSC CDS (I) 2018 written examination was conducted on February 4, 2018 across the nation followed by the SSB test. Candidates qualified in the written test were 2778 candidates for admission to the Indian Military Academy, 1720 candidates for Indian Naval Academy and 623 candidates for Air Force Academy.
Finally, A total of 100 candidates have qualified in the UPSC CDS (I) 2018 exam out of which 60 candidates will be appointed under IMA, 33 candidates under Indian Naval Academy and 7 candidates under Air Force Academy.
The Commission has not included the medical examination results in this result. The document verification is also still under process. Candidates need to forward their certificates of Date of Birth/Educational qualification, in original along with the xerox copies of the same to Army Headquarters /Naval Headquarters /Air Headquarters. Candidates can check their result through the official notice available.
Click here for UPSC CDS(I) 2018 Final Result