Read The Hindu Notes of 6th Novemeber 2018 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

- Preserving the taboo
- In defence of Urjit Patel
- No respite from poverty for Muslims
- The long arm of the state
Preserving the taboo
Existing nuclear arms control agreements need to be brought in line with today’s political realities
Politics of negotiations
Changing political backdrop
Preserving the nuclear taboo
In defence of Urjit Patel
The government has overreacted in negotiating its differences with the RBI
Changing procedures
In the public interest
No respite from poverty for Muslims
Government intervention is required to improve educational and economic indicators
Lowest education levels
What could be done
The long arm of the state
Authoritarian states are brazenly challenging the liberal order
Empowered states
Gasping for breath