Read The Hindu Notes of 11th October 2018 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

- Polls and polarisation politics
- Next steps after the 377 judgment
- The power of non-alignment
- Teaming up with Tokyo
- The meat in AAP’s sandwich politics
Polls and polarisation politics
The Opposition parties have to press ahead with political adjustments to counter the dominant narrative
A clear strategy
Among the lynchings
Threat to plurality
Next steps after the 377 judgment
It is time that marital rape is criminalised
What data show
In POCSO too
The power of non-alignment
There is space to resurrect the old movement as a soft balancing mechanism against powerful states
Understanding a movement
Impact on N-tests
The way forward
Teaming up with Tokyo
Ahead of the PM’s visit to Japan, hopes are high for a greater synergy on security and connectivity issues
Closer maritime ties