Read The Hindu Notes of 22nd September 2018 for UPSC Civil Service Examination, State Civil Service Examination and other competitive Examination

Seeking a managed exit
A year after U.S. President Donald Trump unveiled his new Afghanistan policy, the stalemate continues
Pakistan dependency
End game in Afghanistan
A shift?
All in the arithmetic
Without an alliance, the Congress may find the going difficult in Rajasthan
Reality check
The BSP factor
Ravaged by a caterpillar
First detected in Karnataka only in May this year, the fall armyworm, a native of the Americas, has already spread as far as West Bengal and Gujarat, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Priyanka Pulla reports on the deficiencies in India’s quarantine regime
Voracious pests
India’s quarantine system
Time for a new law?
The rise in invasives