Question asked in SSC CHSL 2017 Tier I exam on 08 march 2018.

General Awareness
- Who was the prime minister of Britain during 1857 Revolt?
- Which city is known as the birthplace of Indian newspapers?
- Which state is known for Dandiya Dance?
- One question from Uniform motion.
- Who was the successor of Mysore Empire after Haider Ali?
- Who was the first president of USA to visit India?
- Which state is the largest producer of rice?
- Which animal is declared as the wild animal of Uttarakhand?
- Kaylana dam is built in which district?
- What is the number of muscles present in the human body?
- Where was India’s first Data State Center opened?
- Amir khushro is the disciple of whom?
- China doesn’t share boundary with which of the following countries – mynamar, Laos,Vietnam, Cambodia?
- What is the Aaditya Mission Related to?
- Who is the head of NITI ayog?
- Who is the Miami tennis women 2017 winner?
- Which of the following can be beaten into sheets?
- One question was asked from petroleum Panchayat yojna 2017.
- One question was asked about Badminton championship 2017.
- Who has the record of highest number of Gold Medals in the history of Olympics?
- Birju Maharaj is well-known exponent of _______ .
- he first battle of Panipat in 1526 was fought between the Lodi Empire and______ .
- Which book is not written by Jananipath award winner?
- The longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere occurs on______.
- Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana was announced under the leadership of ____.
- Name the place where Guru Nanak Dev Ji born?
- One question was regarding 2016-17 GDP?
- One question was related to telegraph line.
- Calculate the heat ? where resistance , current, time’s values were given.
- One question was related to Equinox.
- World Economic Forum was held at?
- Which article of constitution was called by Dr B.R. Ambedkar as the most important article?
- Find the profit percentage where the marked price of an object is 30% above the cost price.Discount & Selling Price were given.
- One question related to 123 amendment.
- One question related to Golf.
- What do you mean by “E” in AGEY?
- Petroleum Panchayat Yojna 2017?
- What is the synonym of accord?
- What is the synonym of mould?
- Spelling correction of Aggregrious.
- Use of under, with to complete the sentence.
- One word substitution for – ‘Of the highest quality’.
- Corrrect the spelling of Irresistible
- Synonyms/Antonyms of Nefarious, Resolute, Avout, Disgulsed, Sustenance
- Fill in the blanks
Most children remain ____ school between the ages of seven and ten. - Sentence improvement
The more they earn, more they spend. - Statement based question
All cakes are pastries, some bread are cakes - Idioms – ‘To be in minds’, ‘Wet behind the ears’.
- One ques was asked from semi sphere. Area was given, you had to find the radius.
- One question was asked from form time & work in which a,b,c work and c left before 4 days.
- The question was asked from distance time in which you had to find the distance in meter.
- A train 500 m long, running at a uniform speed, passes a station in 35 sec. If the length of the platform is 221 m, find the speed of the train in km/ hr.
- Solve Cosec30° – 2/√ 3
- If the side of a cube is increased by 10%. What will be the effect on volume of the cube?
- Find the length if Area and breadth of a rectangle are 200 cm2 and 30 cm.
- Find the volume of hemisphere whose diameter is 20 cm.
- Find the rate where SI & Principle are Rs 300 and 1200 respectively?
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