Question asked in SSC CHSL 2017 Tier I exam on 12 march 2018.

General Awareness
- What is the SI unit of G?
- What is the rank of Pakistan in the world according to its population?
- Who runs the Parliament?
- In which state of India Chamera dam is located?
- After which fight Akbar got the title Ghazi?
- What is the frequency of updating of commercial taxes?
- Which type of medicine is used in Indigestion?
- Which power station among atomic, thermal, wind & hydro provides more electricity?
- What was the theme of World Economic Forum 2018?
- Who was the FIFA player of the year 2017?
- If A : ( A + B +C ) = 7 : 33 and B : (A +C ) = 2 : 9, What will be the ratio of A : B : C ?
- The average age of class – I and Class-II is 15 years, the average age of class is 12 year and average age of class-II is 19 years. If number of students in class-I is 48. Then find the number of students in class-II.
- If x2 + 3x +1 / x2 – 3x + 1= 1 / 2, then calculate the value of ( x + 1 / x ) = ?
- If 6x2 – 12x + 1 = 0, Then what will be the value of 27x3 +1 / 8x3 = ?
- If length and breadth of the rectangle are increased respectively 10 % and 8 %, how much area of the rectangle will increase?
- 5 years ago age of A was 5 times the age of B, B is 3 /7 of C in age at present. A is 3 years elder than D and age of D is 2 times of B at present. What is present age of C at present?
- Find the value of cot10° × cot20° × cot60° × cot70° × cot 80° =?
- If a + b =3, then claculate the value of a3 + b3 + 9ab = ?
- The average of 20 numbers is 35. If one of the numbers is considered as 45 instead of 85, what will be the new average?
- sin2 21 + sin2 69 =?
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