SSC CGL 2017 Tier I Exam date extend, Now exam will be from 5th Aug to 24 Aug.
Staff Selection Commission Conduct Combined Graduate Level exam every year for the recruitment of non-technical Group B and Group C non-gazetted posts in various government ministries, departments and organisation. This year too, SSC planned to connduct these exam from Aug 1 to Aug 20th. But there is change in plan.

Staff Selection Commission(SSC) released an official notification regarding change in exam dates of CGL Tier I. Now, according to notification SSC CGL Tier I exams will be held between August 5 to August 24.
SSC Notification
Here is the Official Notification From SSC.
"In partial modification to the earlier announced date(s) of the said examination from August 1, 2017 to August 20, 2017, the Commission would now be conducting the Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2017 from August 5, 2017 to August 24, 2017.
There will be no exam on August 7, 13, 14 and 15, 2017."
Meanwhile, the last date for SSC CGL Tier 1 registration was June 17th which was too extended till June 19th, 2017
Imporatant Dates for CGL 2017
- SSC CGL computer based(CBT) tier-I exam will be held from August 5 to 24
- SSC CGL computer based tier-II exam will be held from November 10 to 11
- SSC CGL descriptive paper tier-III will be held on January 21, 2018.
Now Aspirants have 4 more days for preparation. All the Best. Keep sharing, Keep Visiting. Thanks